By William F. Hurley, Associate It has been almost four years since I began to participate on the Anti-Racism and Voting Rights Committee formed by the Sisters of Charity of New York. Our vision is to look at white supremacy, hidden or blatant racism, and minority...

Addressing Poverty and Community Impact through the NYS Criminal Legal System
Mensen. is a multi-disciplinary creative strategist known for her illustration, writing, design and creative collaboration with communities surviving trauma, violence and oppression. mensen. created the illustrations and design work for the campaign. On May 7, an...

Let us Choose Life; Let us Choose the Future
“Let us choose life; let us choose the future.” Pope Francis’ plea to decision makers and participants at COP28 and to all of us has been resonating in my heart. Click here to read his address. “Let us choose life; let us choose the future.” has become a chant I...

Parish Leaders of Metro NY Catholic Climate Movement Reflect on their Response to Laudate Deum
SCNY's Office of Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation host Parish Leaders from Metro New York Catholic Climate Movement Another meeting – and an all-day meeting at that! But, how could I say no when it meant gathering with a group of committed lay parish leaders...

The 1619 Project Online Conversation Series
LCWR’s call to women religious to address systemic racism and our complicity in it ignited the Sisters of Charity of New York to focus intentionally on raising awareness, educating and acting to change racist attitudes and behaviors in ourselves, personally and as...

Ecological Spirituality: An Ongoing Journey
By Sr. Carol De Angelo, Director of SCNY Office of Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation The Songs of Creation. The Cries of the Earth and Her Peoples. Respond in Hope. These three movements in Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home...

God With Us Through Direct Service and Advocacy
By Sr. Carol De Angelo O Come O Come Emmanuel (God with us). I love the Advent Season. The liturgical readings remind me of waiting in hopeful expectation for the coming of God’s reign in its fulness, of God made flesh … in Jesus and in us and all Creation. Taking a...

Veterans Day and the Sisters of Charity: They Also Served
By Sr. Regina Bechtle, SC Though not veterans of any branch of the military, Sisters of Charity of New York not only experienced the brutal impact of war but also gave heroic service during several wars. The Civil War Sr. Mary Ulrica O’Reilly supervised 14 Sisters of...

National Migration Week Interfaith Prayer Service
During this hour of prayer and storytelling you will hear prayers for our migrant sisters and brothers in the words of five different faiths. God is present to all human beings and God listens to the petitions of all. You will also hear four presenters tell us how...

Becoming a Stephen Minister
By Retta Blaney I was commissioned as a Stephen Minister in September 2021 at Marble Collegiate Church. Stephen Ministers are highly-trained, highly-supervised lay ministers. I had 50 hours of classroom (Zoom) training and about 50 hours of reading. It's...
By William F. Hurley, Associate It has been almost four years since I began to participate on the Anti-Racism and Voting Rights Committee formed by the Sisters of Charity of New York. Our vision is to look at white supremacy, hidden or blatant racism, and minority...
Addressing Poverty and Community Impact through the NYS Criminal Legal System
Mensen. is a multi-disciplinary creative strategist known for her illustration, writing, design and creative collaboration with communities surviving trauma, violence and oppression. mensen. created the illustrations and design work for the campaign. On May 7, an...
Let us Choose Life; Let us Choose the Future
“Let us choose life; let us choose the future.” Pope Francis’ plea to decision makers and participants at COP28 and to all of us has been resonating in my heart. Click here to read his address. “Let us choose life; let us choose the future.” has become a chant I...
Parish Leaders of Metro NY Catholic Climate Movement Reflect on their Response to Laudate Deum
SCNY's Office of Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation host Parish Leaders from Metro New York Catholic Climate Movement Another meeting – and an all-day meeting at that! But, how could I say no when it meant gathering with a group of committed lay parish leaders...
The 1619 Project Online Conversation Series
LCWR’s call to women religious to address systemic racism and our complicity in it ignited the Sisters of Charity of New York to focus intentionally on raising awareness, educating and acting to change racist attitudes and behaviors in ourselves, personally and as...
Ecological Spirituality: An Ongoing Journey
By Sr. Carol De Angelo, Director of SCNY Office of Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation The Songs of Creation. The Cries of the Earth and Her Peoples. Respond in Hope. These three movements in Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home...
God With Us Through Direct Service and Advocacy
By Sr. Carol De Angelo O Come O Come Emmanuel (God with us). I love the Advent Season. The liturgical readings remind me of waiting in hopeful expectation for the coming of God’s reign in its fulness, of God made flesh … in Jesus and in us and all Creation. Taking a...
Veterans Day and the Sisters of Charity: They Also Served
By Sr. Regina Bechtle, SC Though not veterans of any branch of the military, Sisters of Charity of New York not only experienced the brutal impact of war but also gave heroic service during several wars. The Civil War Sr. Mary Ulrica O’Reilly supervised 14 Sisters of...
National Migration Week Interfaith Prayer Service
During this hour of prayer and storytelling you will hear prayers for our migrant sisters and brothers in the words of five different faiths. God is present to all human beings and God listens to the petitions of all. You will also hear four presenters tell us how...
Becoming a Stephen Minister
By Retta Blaney I was commissioned as a Stephen Minister in September 2021 at Marble Collegiate Church. Stephen Ministers are highly-trained, highly-supervised lay ministers. I had 50 hours of classroom (Zoom) training and about 50 hours of reading. It's...